Blood Alcohol Concentration
(BAC) Calculator

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Disclaimer : This BAC Calculator is for informational purposes only. Results are estimates and should not be used to determine your ability to drive or perform tasks requiring sobriety. Individual conditions may vary, and we are not liable for decisions based on this calculator. formula we us : %BAC = (A x 5.14 / (W x r)) - .015 x H

What is BAC?

"BAC" is the acronym for Blood Alcohol Concentration, and some call it Blood Alcohol Content. BAC is the volume of alcohol in the blood that makes you appear intoxicated. It's commonly given in units of percentage.

For instance, if a person in the US had 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, their blood alcohol content would be 0.05%. For this reason, a motorist who has a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or above is not permitted to operate a vehicle and will be prosecuted under the legal drinking age.

Although the legal drinking age is 21 in the US, restrictions on those 20 years of age and below are tighter. The legal limits are between 0.01 and 0.05% or more, as required by the particular state.

The BAC for driving differs from country to country and even from one part of the country to another. In general, over 0.08% is the allowed blood alcohol rate in most nations around the world.

Understanding how alcohol influences BAC levels in individuals involves a lot of things. These factors include :

  • Alcohol Intake : Consuming more alcohol increases the likelihood of BAC levels rising. The rise in alcohol consumption leads to an increase in BAC.
  • Speed of Drinking : When drinkers consume at a faster rate, the BAC becomes much more intense. As a result, the effects quickly become overwhelming.
  • Gender : Women are known to have a lower body water content; therefore, if they consume the same amount of alcohol as males over the same period, their BAC will be greater as a result
  • Body Mass : Normally, increased body weight equals more body water. Extra water dilutes the alcohol in the system, lowering the BAC of a person with an alcohol use disorder.
  • Body Build : Fat-to-muscle ratios influence the varying rate at which fluids enter the body. Individuals with a higher muscle content metabolize alcoholic beverages better than those with a higher fat percentage
  • Enzyme Function : The use of alcohol has a different rate in different people. People addicted to alcohol can metabolize alcohol quite rapidly thanks to the busy enzymes in the liver.
  • Food : There is a link between food and alcohol that is still in the stomach. This significantly affects how the body processes and absorbs alcohol. As a result, this has a considerable effect on BAC levels.
BAC Levels

How your BAC effects you

Standard Drinks

This information is typically based on guidelines from health authorities such as the NIAAA which is referenced in the image and is meant to help individuals understand how much alcohol is considered moderate or low-risk for health. The difference in recommended limits for males and females is due to physiological differences in how alcohol is metabolized.

14 (per week)
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7 (per week)
bac calculator choose gender female Female
Frequently Asked Questions


I've used the BAC Calculator time and time again. It's not just accurate but also super easy to use. - Kate D., London
This B.A.C Calculator is a must for tracking alcohol intake. It's precise, dependable, and user-friendly. It deserves five stars! - Sunny T., New Zealand
I trust this blood alcohol calculator to keep me safe on nights out. Just fantastic! - Emily R., United Kingdom
This bac Calculator is a must for tracking alcohol intake. It's precise and user-friendly - Thomas K., California
Having tried other blood alcohol calculators, this one stands out. The accuracy and ease of use of the BAC Calculator are unmatched. It's become my go-to tool for nights out. - Mukesh, Texas
This bac Calculator is a must for tracking alcohol intake. It's precise and user-friendly - Dave L., Ireland
This alcohol calculator is my go-to for tracking my alcohol consumption. Whether using the blood alcohol calculator or checking my blood alcohol level, this app provides accurate results every time. - Michael Charles, Calgary
I've tried various tools, but the BAC Calculator app stands out, and this blood alcohol content calculator is essential for anyone who wants to monitor their alcohol intake. - Daniel Gates, United States
This alcohol BAC calculator and blood alcohol concentration calculator features are incredibly accurate. I use it to check my blood alcohol estimate and calculate my BAC with ease. - Jerry G, Toronto
For accurate BAC readings, this BAC Calculator app is the best. The blood alcohol calculator and alcohol driving calculator features are quick and precise. I always recommend this app for monitoring alcohol consumption. - Megan T, Texas
I check my blood alcohol percentage using this online bac website. The Calculator app is the most accurate blood alcohol calculator I've used. The app's breathalyzer calculator and alcohol in bloodstream calculator features are reliable and easy to navigate. - Natalie F, Australia
The BAC Calculator app is incredibly accurate and user-friendly. This Bac blood alcohol calculator and DUI calculator features are great additions for those who want to stay within safe limits. It's a must-have app for responsible drinkers. - Jashan, California
About Us

We are a team committed to providing information and resources about Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Our mission is to empower users with knowledge about the effects of alcohol consumption and promote responsible decision-making. We understand that everyone metabolizes alcohol differently, so we strive to provide educational tools and estimates, not guarantees. Our goal is to create a safe and informative space to learn about BAC and encourage alternative transportation when necessary.

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